
Our three so far mobilities made it possible for the schools from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth! That way we all proved that our Erasmus Partnership is a targeted and strategic one!


Mrs Dangli :“We were accepted in a very friendly way! They tried and managed to make us feel like at home. The hospitality they offered was authentic and formed a sort of the best beginning for our project.”

Mrs Karazarifi:The cultural visits organised were informative and full of fun. A perfect combination of cultural exchange material and enjoyment. We visited:     

the Mascinelle mines

the Abbaye d’ Aulyes

We were offered two guided tours:

in Thuin (emphasis on the Beffroi)

in Bruxelles”

  • Travel
  • Travel

Mrs Dangli and Mrs Karazarifi : “As participants in the meeting we must say that we felt really happy to acquire new knowledge and improve our professional skills in order to be able to carry out our teaching in a better, more improved way. Our immersion in everyday cultural life improved our understanding of others and their educational priorities”.


We believe that the project will definitely be an amazing and unexpected experience!”

We thing that are our communication skills are at a rather high level, because most of we have studied English for more than 4 years.”

Having taking part in one or two stimulating school projects each school year is really helpful in this Erasmus project. This project will help future projects as well. We will take advantage of the new experience.”



Second Mobility In Italy 2016


It was amazing in terms of collaboration, understanding, cultural exchange, language exchange and educational contribution, of course!

We got inspired and motivated, in terms of experiences, challenges and fun.We also built confidence to live or study in another country. Last but not least, we met people and made friends from all over the world. Friendship is something universal in human nature, regardless of language, culture, religion or ethnicity. It’s a wonderful thing to know you have friends beyond the borders of your country, who you can always visit or come to visit you, with whom you will always have a lot to share even though you don’t see each other every day.


Full of fun!

Full of energy!

Totally unforgettable!


Before the mobility we were encouraged to take part in the project by making research, looking up reference books or the net for information and producing works of art in an effective learning environment by developing strategies for a positive educational atmosphere!



An …overdose of the element of surprise!

Extremely stimulating and effective!


We all had the feeling that the five days in Agropoli were just a one day visit!

Travelling around the world is the best Experience that you can Have.Also Erasmus is the best  experience that you can have.


Rome was magnificent, as well!!!

Travel With Us , Feel our Experience !

Third Mobility In Belgium 2016

The cultural visits organised

The cultural visits organised were informative and full of fun. A perfect combination of cultural exchange material and enjoyment. We visited:

Balade pédestre : lac d’amour,




Basilique du Saint Sang,


Balade sur les canaux


Belgium State TV and Radio Studios



We were offered guided tours in all the sites mentioned before and a guided tour in Thuin, of course.

Mrs Dangli:

As participant in the meeting, I must say that I felt really happy to acquire new knowledge and improve my professional skills so as to be able to carry out my teaching duties in a better, more improved way. My immersion in everyday cultural life improved my understanding of others and their educational priorities.

Having to communicate in four languages (English, French, Italian and Greek) during the same day for five days proved really interesting and educational, in fact! Although I don’t speak French or Italian, I found myself getting the gist in various conversations and managing to communicate up to a rather satisfactory level. Latin helped, of course!



Last but not least, I must say that the great point when trying to communicate is the willingness to “meet” others and your positive attitude towards them. Both of them we more than apparent in this mobility!

The subjects covered during the mobility

Improving skills and attitudes /behaviours

 Establishing clear links between the identified needs of our school organizations

 Learning outcomes that will derive from the activities of the project.

Discussing about the crucial point of Democracy and Democracy crisis.

Presenting the project outcomes- that is the products of our students’ workshops.

Searching ways of improving cooperation techniques.

Searching ways of exchanging teaching methods.

Mrs Karasteriou

Such an educational and cultural exchange of students and teachers offers the opportunity to observe, exchange and expand social skills and teaching methods. During this mobility, we had the honour  to meet interesting, friendly and positive people, to acquire new knowledge and exchange ideas concerning everyday life and educational systems in three European countries. Our Belgian partners welcomed us and offered a satisfactory variety of cultural visits, covering both historical points of interest and modern life and technology. Concerning our part, I believe that we did our best and we will continue working and making the most out of this new experience.


Mrs Karazarifi

 Le voyage à Thuin, en Belgique, s’est acquis des meilleures impressions dès son début, puisque on a eu l ‘occasion de visiter Bruxelles, le centre de l’Europe, pendant une journée.   

 On a admiré les places et les monuments de la ville, on a visité le musée Magritte, une expérience vraiment précieuse, pour les élèves et les professeurs également.

 Ensuite on a voyagé à Thuin, une ville médiévale à 70km de Bruxelles. Élèves et professeurs ont été hébergés par les familles belges. Tout d’abord les attitudes différentes concernant la vie quotidienne ont   mis les élèves dans l’embarras, mais très vite à l’aide de leurs camarades belges et de leurs familles, ils ont réussi à se sentir à l’aise, et en plus de faire des amis belges !  Les balades et les guidages à Bruges, à Steppy-Thieu, aux studios de la station radio-  télé nationale de Bruxelles et de la gare ancienne des trains à Thuin étaient sans aucun doute exceptionnelles pleines d’informations et de belles images ! À tout point de vue, on peut dire que le voyage en Belgique a été une aventure étonnante, permettant aux professeurs et aux élèves la connaissance et la compréhension de l’autrui. On a enrichi nos connaissances sur les différentes façons de vivre, les différents systèmes éducatifs, objectif essentiel du projet Erasmus. On a rentré en Grèce ayant dans nos bagages des souvenirs précieux et l’impatience d’une nouvelle rencontre avec nos nouveaux amis.

Second coordination meeting

Mrs Karazarifi

La deuxième rencontre de coordination a eu lieu à Arménio , du 4 au 8 septembre 2016.Les collègues de quatre écoles qui participent au projet ,se sont rencontrés pour dessiner  les activités de l’année prochaine et fixer les dates des déplacements. Pendant le séjour à Larissa, tout le monde a apprécié ce qu’on appelle ‘hospitalité grecque ‘ .On a gouté toutes les spécialités régionales, on a été guidé dans toutes les curiosités. L’ancien théâtre de Larissa, le théâtre romain, la région antique de Dion étaient vraiment une découverte précieuse, surtout pour nos collègues étrangers .La visite de la ville de Vólos  et de la montagne de Pélion, une de plus belles de l’Europe, a laissé à tous les meilleurs impressions. La municipalité de la ville nous a accueillis très chaleureusement, à la mairie de Larissa. 


 Pour conclure, ce qu’on peut décrire comme  un souvenir inoubliable n’était  que la bonne humeur et l’ambiance chaleureuse que les collègues d’Armenio avaient créé, pendant la durée de cette rencontre! C’est la Grèce!! 

Fourth Mobility In Italy 2016


Mrs Dangli:

Back in lovely Agropoli! Such an amazing experience once again! This Erasmus Project proved to be a totally unforgettable lifelong memory bank!!!

Naples, Herculaneum, Peastum , the thrilling Greek Temples and last but not least the Agropolis Archaeological Museum: The Diver’s Tomb!

Above all the new friends we made. Both we, the teachers, and our students lived, felt and shared the precious “bonum” of true educational projects, the gist of learning to learn!